Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sweet and Spicy Thai Noodles

No story behind this......besides that I CAN'T eat anymore chicken breast salad!!!!! So we had rice noodles in the pantry and I thought that I should go Asian again!!!! This time to Thai we go. Enjoy.....and Eat on!!


8oz Rice Noodles
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tblsp fish sauce
1 1/2 tblsp garlic chili pepper sauce
2 tblsp lime juice
3 garlic cloves, minced 
2 eggs, beaten
1 pound chicken breasts, cut into strips

Soak rice noodles in VERY HOT tap water in a bowl for about 20-30 minutes. Mix brown sugar, fish sauce, chili pepper sauce, and lime juice in a bowl, then set aside. Place a large skillet on high heat and add oil, garlic, and chicken pieces stir fry until chicken cooked. Stirring frequently so you don't burn garlic. Once cooked push to side and scramble the eggs in the same pan. Then mix together. Drain noodles and add them to the pan along with the garlic chili pepper sauce mix. Stir fry for a couple of moments so that the noodles are al dente. Serve warm!! 

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