Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cast Iron Rolls

OMG.....I'm making these again tomorrow they were that good and my husband said that there was something "sexy" about them being served in the skillet!! Excuse me while I wipe the proud tear from my eye while you enjoy these rolls. 

So I used my recipe for the knockoff Texas Roadhouse Rolls(a previous post) and made it BETTER!! Enjoy!!


Note: instead of cutting in squares I did round. 

After rising, brush rolls with melted garlic butter.

Sprinkle on chopped rosemary. Brush with additional butter. Sprinkle with coarse sea salt.

Bake at 359 degrees for 10 to 15 mins until rolls are a deep golden brown on top. Then brush with more butter....DUH!!

Serve skillet on the table.

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