Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rice Krispy Treats(healthy version)

Soooooo lets play a game called......Lets trick the kids with healthy snacks that they will LOVE!!! 

Dare we serve healthy(GASP) rice Krispy treats to our children!!!! MUAH HA HA HAAAAA!!!!! 

Try it....this could also help with your snacking if you are trying to watch your figure. 


1 C PB2 w/chocolate(1 cup mix to 1/2 cup water)
2/3 cup honey
2 tsp. vanilla extract
8 cups Rice Crispy cereal
  1. Line an 9x13 baking pan with a sheet of parchment, leaving a few inches of overhang on the sides to allow for easy removal. 
  2. In a large enough pot over medium heat, add the mixes PB2, honey, and vanilla, stirring until the PB2 is melted and fully combined with the honey.
  3. Remove from heat and add the cereal, stirring well everything is fully combined.
  4. Pour into baking pan and use a spatula or your hands to distribute the mixture evenly, pressing down firmly to ensure that the mixture is tightly packed.
  5. Place pan into fridge and allow to cool for ~30 minute

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